About Me

My name is Alon Gutman, I'm 27 years old.

I live in Beer Sheva for the last 4 years. Originally from Mevaseret Zion.

I study software and information Systems engineering, and this is

my first html project ever.

Beside studying, my hobbies are playing poker, cooking and traveling

around the world when there is no corona virus around.

My Photos

photo of me in the airport photo of me and a dog photo of me and my gf photo of me and a blimp photo of me and my gf2 photo of me and a cake photo of me and a friend photo of me and a my family photo of me and a friend2

My Playlist

Give me a Like (you know I deserve it!)

photo of like

Scan My Code!

and get link to this site in order to do it forever in infinite loop for the rest of your life! 😀

qr scan code photo of woman scaning



The main purpose of web 1 is to read.

The main purpose of web 2 is to read & write.

The main purpose of web 3 is to read, write & excute.

Web 1 was used by about 1 million users.

Web 2 was used by about 1 billion users.

Web 3 is use by about 1 trillion users.

Web 1 includs static contect, no interaction between users.

Web 2 Web 2 is more about 2 way communication through social networking.

Web 3 is not clearly defined yet. Artificial intelligence and the web learning what you want and delivering you a personalized web experience.


Use Case name: Usage Example in web 1

Primary actor: User

Scope: Website

Brief: The user want to read the information in the website.

Steakholders: The website owner and the user.


1. User has read the content in the website.

Basic flow:

1. User entering the website.

2. User is reading the content.

Use Case name: Usage Example in web 2

Primary actor: User

Scope: Wikipedia Website

Brief: The user want to read the information about some value and edit incorrect contect.

teakholders:S The website owner and the user.


1. User has read the content in the website.

2. User found incorrect information.

3. User edited the information.

4. The edit Occurred after one of the website's managers approved the change.

Basic flow:

1. User entering the website.

2. User is reading the content.

3. User is editing incorrect information.

4. Website manager decides if to approve the change.

4.1. Content is changed.

4.2. Content isn't changed.

Use Case name : Usage Example in web 3

Primary actor: User

Scope: Netflix Website

Brief: The user is looking for a nice TV series to watch based on website's recommendations.

Steakholders: The website owner and the user.


1. User has found TV series to watch based on netflix's recommendations.

2. The Netflix recommendations system learned something new about this user prefernces.

Basic flow:

1. User entering the website.

2. User is loging to his account.

3. User is searching for tv series based on netflix's costumized recommendations.

4. User has chosen tv series.

4. User rated the tv series on a sacle of 1 to 10.

Contact Me

cute photo


